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Alternative Energy Suppliers

We all need some help from mother nature when it comes to keeping those batteries charged, right?

bulletFourwinds Wind Generators, solar panels, etc....
bulletDownwind Marine- in San Diego, CA will get it to you anywhere
bulletGreat article in Sailnet about a propshaft alternator
bulletEarth Solar-also stocks wind generators and loads of other good stuff, online store in Texas
bulletWind and Sun- online store in northern Arizona, lots of solar and wind power products
bulletNorthern Tool and Equipment- good selection of solar panels, good prices
bulletAltE store- biggest selection I´ve seen, solar, wind, appliances, etc.
bullete-Marine Inc. - Looking for solar panels, wind generators, deep- cycle batteries, inverters, dripless packing, and all types of mounting hardware?
bullet Harbor Freight Tools- carries some solar panels, charge regulators, inverters, etc. for great prices


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