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Become a Sponsor-get a better link

Here's a fine example, these nice folks wanted to be at the top of all my pages...

Marine LED shop - Best price and free shipping for Marine LED lights and Marine LED bulbs

(If you don't like the music hit the "stop" button on your browser toolbar)

We will provide a free link to any website which relates to sailing or offers products used by sailors.  This link will usually go at the bottom of the page I decide it belongs on...E-mail me with your info at mike at sailinglinks dot com We do require a reciprocal link for the free one, please.

However, there is an alternative or three, as outlined in the following spiel.

This is a non-profit site, but in order to pay the web hosting and internet bills, sponsors are encouraged and will be featured prominently.  We also offer web site hosting on the domain.  If you like the site, think your business would benefit from exposure here, and would like to become a sponsor, here's what we can do for you:


Have your listing in larger, bold text at the beginning of your category for a mere $20/yr. You can write your own (reasonable length) annotation if you would like. This is a minimum donation that should be pretty easy for you, (and it would really help me pay the bills if a few more people contributed!)


Have a banner ad/link at the top of the category page of your choice for a mere $50/yr. Again, thats a top of the page position.  Here is a simple banner I made for myself from free software on the net, and represents the size I prefer:

New banner4.jpg (11224 bytes)


Have your banner on the opening page for a mere $100/yr.  

The rates may go up, but get onboard now and I'll hold the rates for you for two years.

Thanks, Webcapt. Mike

Two ways to pay are:

You can use the Paypal button and follow the instructions they give you, I?ll know what it?s for,

or e-mail mike@sailinglinksdotcom for an address to send a check to.



Webcaptain Mike


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